Welcome to MX South

2024 UPDATE: As some of you are aware, late last year our longstanding 30+ year website was hacked and destroyed by Ransomware. It certainly is a brave new world.

So, we have been working hard to rebuild a new site which is not an easy or quick process for the level function and service we provide. We will have a fully functional new site up and running soon. For the meantime though, we are now posting some links below that you can use now to see products and place orders…..

BIG NOTICE: We are reviving SHIFT MX from Fox! The last model year production run from SHIFT was delayed by the Pandemic by 2+ years. It finally arrived at Fox recently and we acquired all of it in addition to all of the prior existing SHIFT MX inventory. So, we can effectively announce that we have all of SHIFT MX for 2024. We have all of it currently available, ready to ship, and we have excellent pricing on it on a new fully functional standalone website. You can see and order all current SHIFT MX on www.shift-moto.com right now. If you want some killer iconic new name brand gear at a great price SHIFT is it!

We would also like to make available these distributor catalog links here as a supplemental shopping method to help you find products you may be looking for.
These are our distributor catalogs. We have 100% of everything showing in them, pending current availability, ready to easily ship directly to you. You can easily use these catalogs to browse most any product. To ask about & order any item, just make a list of the part numbers and email them on over to us and we can easily get you set up and rolling. Here are those links for you…

The MX South OEM page is up and running. You can look up all OEM items and build shopping lists. You can’t order from that list like normal, but you can build a parts list and then paste that list into and email to us at jeff@mxsouth.com if you would like to set up an order for those items. Here is that link…

Thanks to all of our customers for your years and years of support and patience while we work diligently to recover and get back to our normal level of full functionality that all of you have come to rely on for all of these years.

For any questions or further information you can email jeff@mxsouth.com